Flam Committee
Classes and Levels
How to register
The Flam Pekin Association
The FLAM program
  The Flam Program was initiated in 2001-2002 by members from the French Council on teaching of French abroad (CSFE) and by French senators, representatives for French nationals who have settled abroad. It addresses the needs of the French expatriate community. It supports extra-curricular initiatives aiming at furthering French language practice for French children who are educated in local schools, in another language than French. FLAM programs act within the framework of the Agency for the Teaching of the French abroad (AEFE) .
The FLAM Pekin Association
  The Flam Pékin association offers classes covering 8 levels to French speaking children from French speaking countries or to binational children, who go to non French speaking schools. The age range is 4 to 15 years old. Classes are taught in the week-end, in order to further the continued practice of the French language as well as to maintain a contact with our culture. Through active or entertaining methods, children keep up the link to French language and culture.
How to register
  • Fee
    The fee is degressive according to the number of children registered by one family. Requests for information and for preregistration to classes for the coming semester shall be sent to: flambeijing@gmail.com

  • Payment
    Payment shall be made in cash on the first or second day of class, for the semester.
    Further requests for information or suggestions will be answered by our office staff. Please confirm any new or renewed registration by e-mail to: flambeijing@gmail.com

  • Registration form

    >>> Upload the registration form (PDF)

  • The Flam Pekin Association
    Flam Committee
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    How to register
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